Daniel Diet Breaking the Fast Pack
Jordan’s recommend plan for ending the Daniel Diet or any other cleansing program! After completing the Daniel Diet it’s vital that your body receives the proper nutrition for maximum post-fasting benefits. This pack contains the Beyond Organic products you will need to break your fast using Jordan’s recommended meal plan.
- 6 Plain Amasai
- 1 Sprouted Seven
- 2 Raw Cheddar Curds
- 2 Omega Seed Crackers
- 1 Chocolate Nut Variety Pack
Jordan’s Breaking Fast Meal Plan
5:00 p.m. 8 oz. SueroViv
5:20 p.m. Large Salad w/greens, Red Peppers, Purple Onions, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Celery, Sprouts, Raw Cheddar Bites, Omega Seed Crackers Salad Dressing: 2Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 1Tbsp Terrain Oregano, Lemon Juice, Sea salt
6:00 p.m. Wild Fish, Chicken or Beyond Organic Beef (Ranch Roast), Sauteed Veggies, Quinoa
8:00 p.m. EA Live Smoothie (serves 1-2 people) 8 oz. Amasai (Plain), 2 raw eggs (organic pasture raised-optional), 1 fresh banana, 1/2 avocado, 2Tbsp EA Live Sprouted Seven (Beyond Organic), 1Tbsp raw, unheated honey, Vanilla extract to taste (alcohol ext not glycerin), 1Tbsp Coconut Oil, 1Tbsp Raw Almond Butter (optional)
9:00 p.m. Treat - EA Live Chocolate Almonds
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