The author of "The pH Miracle”.
All sugars are harmful, including sucrose, dextrose, glucose, maltose, fructose, honey, maple syrup, corn syrup, beet sugar, cane sugar, agave, just to name a few. The following article appeared in the New York Times discussing the work of Robert Lustig is a good start in educating the world on the dangers of ingesting any form of sugar.
My research suggests that ALL sugars are acidic waste products from the degeneration of matter. For example a banana becomes sweeter with sugar as it rots. This is the case for all organized matter when it deteriorates. Sugar is the acidic waste product of fermentation and rotting. The same thing happens with body cells as they breakdown - sugar or glucose is produced as a biological waste product. Just like carbon monoxide is the exhaust or acidic elimination of a car so glucose is the exhaust or acidic waste product of metabolism and cellular degeneration.
The human body needs NO sugar to function. The fact that we have blood sugar is no different than a car having exhaust of carbon monoxide when it is running. The body is constantly trying to chelate this toxic waste product and eliminate it through the four channels of elimination - respiration, defecation, urination and perspiration.
The body runs on electrons NOT sugar.
When energy is low that is low electrical energy NOT low blood sugar. When blood sugars are low and energy is low this is the time to energize the body with electron rich green foods NOT poison it or stimulating it with some form of sugar.
You can have no or low blood sugar levels with high electron levels and feel energetic. The need for sugar for energy is a medical myth. The theory that the brain runs on sugar is a medical myth. All cells in the human body run on electrons transported on a matrix of sodium. Our body is salted with sodium NOT sugar. Sugar cannot conduct electricity but sodium ions can!
When you have cravings for sugar this in reality is the craving for salt. Salt is necessary for the transfer or conductivity of electrons or energy from one cell to another cell.
For additional thoughts on this subject please read the following article that appeared in the New York Times called, "Is Sugar Toxic." I hope it will inspire you to stop poisoning yourself and your loved ones - especially our children with any form of sugar.
There is NO such thing as a healthy or good for your body sugar!
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