What a fabulous program!
The President's Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition (PCFSN) mission is to engage, educate and empower all Americans across the lifespan to adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes regular physical activity and good nutrition. The President's Challenge helps people of all ages and abilities increase their physical activity and improve their fitness through research-based information, easy-to-use tools, and friendly motivation.The Presidential Active Lifestyle Award (PALA) program allows people of all ages to receive presidential recognition. The program is designed to motivate participants to be physically active on a regular basis by allowing them to participate in activities they enjoy. With a list of over 100 possible activities, that’s easy to do! To support your commitment to improving the quality of your life and your loved ones, becoming a Preferred Customer is a smart choice for you to make for the savings advantage paired with convenience.
Below: Dominique Dawes shows her support for First Lady Michelle Obama's initiative.
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