The obvious clue is right there in the top three killers (cancer, heart disease, and diabetes). All are directly linked to diet. In fact, eight of the top ten causes of death in America today are (not to mention that diet is obviously the cause of the obesity of 60 percent of Americans). Eating the proper foods and getting the best nutrients, in balance, will help you avoid all that—along with the misery and poor quality of life that so often precede death, sometimes by decades. The simple secrets to finding the right combinations are what The pH Miracle is all about.
The pH Miracle Diabetes Starter Pack is perfect combination of supplements put together by Dr. Young to address the issue at the best value for those serious about reversing Diabetes. The Young pHorever Diabetes Starter Pack (seen below) starts off with our new trifecta to support the specific needs of those challenged with blood sugar (acid) disorders to include Diabetes. Learn more at
Even mainstream medicine agrees: "Foods contain nutrients essential for normal metabolic function, and when problems arise, they result from imbalances in nutrient intake and from harmful interaction with other factors. Americans who do not smoke and do not drink excessively, one personal choice seems to influence long-term health prospects more than any other—What We Eat" (from the 1988 "Surgeon General's Report on Health and Nutrition": Emphasis added).
Forget cholesterol counts. Forget calories and fat grams. Forget blood pressure, blood sugar, hormone levels, or any of the other markers of health you're used to at the doctor's office. It turns out that the single measurement most important to your health is the pH of your blood and tissues—how acidic or alkaline it is. Different areas of the body have different ideal pH levels, but blood pH is the most telling of all. Just as your body temperature is rigidly regulated, the blood must be kept in a very narrow pH range—mildly basic or alkaline. The body will go to great lengths to preserve that, including wreaking havoc on other tissues or systems.
The pH level of our internal fluids affects every cell in our bodies. The entire metabolic process depends on an alkaline environment. Chronic overacidity corrodes body tissue, and if left unchecked will interrupt all cellular activities and functions, from the beating of your heart to the neural firing of your brain. In other words, overacidity interferes with life itself. It is (as we'll see in more detail in the next chapter) at the root of all sickness and disease.
This facinating book is on sale at pH Miracle. For our products click here.
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