Formulated to brighten your overall health, these products clear away lifeless debris and supplement every cell with oxygen to turn up the body's natural energy. By specifically alkalizing, cleansing, controlling, and constructing cells within the body, the Illuminate group of supplements ignites a steady, internal light of health within.
Letting the light in. Cleanse, Control Products & Construct Supplements
Too much acid in the body robs the blood of oxygen—and without it, your metabolism (the ability to burn food) slows. Not only does food digest more slowly causing weight gain and sluggishness, but fermentation also occurs, creating yeasts and fungi. The wastes of these organisms are called mycotoxins, and they can be very damaging to your cells.Within the InnerLight Illuminate group of products, the Alkalizers help neutralize acid in the blood overall. But we add to the effectiveness of this process with three additional types of products. Our Cleanse formulations help the body rid itself of the excess acid and wastes. Control products help neutralize any existing mycotoxin-producing organisms, and the Construct supplements nourish cells and help repair any damage that may have been done.
InnerLight #148754 / Shop for products here.
Sherlinda Dix
Independent Business Consultant
ID #148754
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