Jim Fink (Taylor, MI)
Thank you for introducing me to Shuzi. Because I am the sales manager at Maddox RV, I am under a lot of stress daily because of not only the economy but also because sales are down like everybody else in the RV business. When you explained to me what Shuzi would do, I did not believe it until you had me do the strength tests. Even after doing the strength tests, I still had reservations as to the performance of the Shuzi bracelet. Well after three days, I had some major changes in my life. I am so excited about what Shuzi has done for me, I showed the product to my renter, my next door neighbor who is a roofer and my other neighbor, who is in his late 60s. After having them performed the same strength tests that I did, all of them purchased a Shuzi bracelet from you. In fact, I am looking to give a Shuzi bracelet to every customer who purchases a new RV for me at Maddox RV to give them better health. Thanks again for all your help in the introduction to the Shuzi products. Also, if anybody wants to hear my testimony in person, please have them call me at 734-287-6067, and I will tell them what Shuzi has done for me
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