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Let me encourage you, as I do myself, to exercise for reasons other than loosing weight.
- Stretch your body to think clearly. I get some of my best ideas while exercising and suddenly I have to pause my workout to put the idea on paper to set it into motion before it gets away from me.
- Exercise to breathe deep cleansing breaths that opens your pores and sinus. More times than not all the congestion in my body clears up while I'm moving my body in a stress free but vigorous exercise. You don't have to hurt yourself to have an effective workout that burns mega calories, but you do need to increase your heart rate to "break a sweat". That's good!
- Exercise to remove the aching parts of your body that have to endure desk work and long hours on the computer.
- Exercise for the health of your libido. -No need to say more.
- Exercise so you can indulge in some of your favorite foods without having to pay for it on the back end...on the back side...the other the end.
- Exercise to keep from your physicians with a moderate income rather than putting them in the top 1% wealthiest people on the planet while you eat a cup of noodles. FYI: Cup of noodles are great if your camping without an RV.
- Exercise so your aren't forced to upgrade your wardrobe because your current clothes don't fit. It's more fun to shop when you want to, not because you have to.
Also take a look at the DVD's below: Shopping, and pH Miracle Cooking. They teach you about the "Alkalarian Lifestyle" which is a healthful way of eating. Chef Shelly shows you how to shop then prepare foods that make you strong and keep you healthy. Much of what she does share is practiced at The pH Miracle Center. Enjoy!
Price: $29.95
Price: $29.95
Sherlinda Dix, UIC# 10464
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