- pH Miracle Greens
- PuripHy
- Liquid ChloropHeal
- pHlavor™
- CLA Boost™
- Omega 3-6-9 Essential Oil Blend
- pHlush Powder (salts)
- Terra pHirma
- pHCA™
- Core Cleanse™
- pHour Salts
See the complete line of products at www.phmiracleliving.com/default.aspx?affiliateid=10464 should you wish to add products to this list. L-Carnitine™ might be a supplement you will want to add. Above all drink water (alkaline water is best) as it will flush out impurities and hydrate the body.
As you begin to feel and see results, don't be surprised that you may want to go on cleansing an additional week. Since your body is enjoying this vacation from the burdens of toxins, go ahead and continue your cleanse. Remember to keep drinking plenty of water to assist with ongoing your journey.
Some great opportunities to fast and cleanse would be with the change of seasons, or two times a year.
UIC #10464
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