If you’re reading this – you are probably suffering from a Vitamin D deficiency. This isn’t scare mongering or marketing hype – it’s the plain truth. According to the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine: "Vitamin D Deficiency is Pandemic." And if you are saying “So what?”, there are lots of reasons why you should be concerned, all having to do with your health.
If you think Vitamin D only affects your bones, think again. In recent years medical investigators have re-opened research into this “common” vitamin – and have come away with a new found respect for its wide ranging health and healing properties. Their overwhelming consensus? Vitamin D3 supplementation is necessary. And lots of it. Vitamin D3 is one of the few vitamins the body can actually manufacture itself, through a complex process involving sunlight. But this isn’t enough. In fact, in a recent study, 83% of people in Saudi Arabia were found to be Vitamin D deficient - and you really can’t find a sunnier place than Saudi Arabia!
Dr. Andrew Jones, Medical Director of the Women’s Health Institute states “If you’re human, you’re at risk”. Men, women, children – all are equally affected. Vitamin D deficiency doesn’t discriminate. It’s affecting the entire population – regardless of skin color, gender or age. Dr. Damien Downing, editor of the Journal of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine and President of the British Society for Ecological Medicine, when asked about who is Vitamin D deficient, simply stated: “We ALL are.” The Mayo Clinic reported that "…overall 93% of 150 schoolchildren and adults tested were deficient in Vitamin D”, this in a Minnesota-based study. Within that same study, the Mayo Clinic found 100% of African-Americans, East Africans, Hispanics and Native Americans were deficient. This is truly a pandemic of staggering proportions! According to new research presented at the Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting and Food Expo® earlier this month, Vitamin D may play a role in preventing auto-immune diseases or over-acid tissue conditions such as multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis, some types of cancerous conditions such as breast, ovarian, colorectal and prostate. “Low vitamin D status is linked to a number of different conditions,” said James C. Fleet, Ph.D. Professor in the department of foods and nutrition at Purdue University. “These include certain cancers, muscle weakness and types I and II diabetes—possibly even schizophrenia and multiple sclerosis.”
Why Are We So Deficient in Vitamin D?
- Lack of sunlight - Just listen to most any so-called mainstream health pundits today, and what you hear is this: “Sunlight Kills! Avoid the sun! Slather yourself with chemical sun blockers”. You will certainly hear this from every tanning lotion company (so they can sell product). We humans evolved in the sunlight and it’s essential for our good health. I bet you didn’t know skin melanomas (skin cancers) are more prevalent in people who avoid sunlight. Sunlight does not cause cancer - it is an over acidic condition that causes cancer.
- Dietary deficiency - What our ancestors didn’t get from the sun, they consumed in the food they ate. This included Vitamin D. But back when we were hunter/gatherers we weren’t burdened with fast and processed food, stuff that is by and large nutritionally bankrupt…totally devoid of vitamins and minerals, filled with sugars and trans fats. These “foods” actually deplete our bodies of the nutrients we need.
- Farming practices - Modern farming techniques have little to do with nutrition. Do you know what is the one major, overriding factor in today’s mega-farm industry? Time. How to grow crops the quickest way possible. If that means untested gene manipulations or modifications on crops, who cares? If spreading tons of chemical fertilizers and pesticides are needed in keeping the soil “productive” - then spread and spray! No matter that each successive year the soil becomes weaker and weaker, less able to give the plants growing in it a full range of essential nutrients. Just as long as the food looks plump and inviting – that’s considered enough. But… it isn’t enough. As the soil grows weaker and more dependent upon the tons of artificial fertilizers sown into it year after year, the vitamins we need are slowly but surely dwindling down to almost nothing. In the case of Vitamin D, this is especially true. The fact is, almost no one can get enough Vitamin D just through diet anymore.
Daily Recommended Dosage
The daily recommended dosage (RDA) of Vitamin D is set at 400 IU (international units). Taking this amount of Vitamin D guarantees you one thing: Deficiency. This level of Vitamin D is the absolute minimum the body needs in order to avoid catastrophic health problems. It’s starving our nutritional needs, giving our bodies the barest amount necessary to function without falling apart. This isn’t healthy – it’s a disease just waiting to happen.
Vitamin D Is Safe
Many people confuse Vitamin D with Vitamin A. That’s normal, because the two are usually lumped together when buying supplements. While we do need both vitamins in maintaining good health, Vitamin D doesn’t have the toxicity of Vitamin A when taken in larger dosages. The fear of over-supplementing with Vitamin D3 is a myth – and has been largely debunked by independent research.
Not All Vitamin D The Same
There is more than one version of Vitamin D. The biologically active form is known as D3 or cholecalciferol. Many inferior supplements contain a cheaper D2 or ergocalciferol version. But in the human body this D2 is inactive and must be first converted into D3 before it has any effects on health. This is a largely wasteful process, especially when the active D3 is so readily available.
Recommended Dosages
- A lecture in Houston presented by Dr. Abbas Qutab in September, 2007, stated the overall general recommendation for Vitamin D supplementation should be a minimum of 10,000 IU/day. For normalizing menstrual periods, the journal Steroids recommends 50,000 – 100,000 IU per week. New scientific findings have revealed the sweeping multiple functions of Vitamin D - far above and beyond anything mainstream doctors were (and still are) being taught.
- Dr. Robert O. Young, author of The pH Miracle recommends up to 50,000 IU's of Vitamin D3 daily stating "I have found significant healing in non-cancerous and cancerous vertebral fractures and hip fractures when supplementing an alkaline diet with 50,000 international units of Vitamin D3 per day."
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